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Selecting a Venue


We recommend contacting community centers or schools to find workshops, labs, or classrooms where you can host your event.

If you are at a college or university, using a classroom or lab space from the engineering department could have the added benefit of access to soldering irons and other equipment you will need.

If you are holding an event in your home, consider the following when you set up your space.

Here are some things to look for in a potential venue:

Enough table space

Make sure every pair of workers will have plenty of space to spread out their materials, and for people to solder without bumping elbows.

Enough outlets

A sink (or two)

A separate space for food

The option to set up beforehand

If you are based in the Chandler area, we recommend reaching out to the Si Se Puede Foundation about collaborating with them to use their STEM Center, pictured below. It includes a large warehouse space as well as a classroom, and manufacturing equipment such as 3D printers.

Another option in the Phoenix area is the Arizona Science Center. They have a workshop area, and can provide tables and soldering irons. In the past, they collaborated with Makers Making Change to host a Holiday Hackathon in 2019.

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